Monday 20 January 2014

The Feelings She Hides Inside

She loves me...She loves me, why not?
I am the little girl she birthed
So why treat me like I'm not worth
the time of day
when I should be your array
of sunlight and sunshine
But instead she say
I wish she wasn't mines
How hurt do you think that makes me feel?
Like a piece of dirt on the bottom of her heel
But I can not allow that to slow me down
although it hurts and I sometimes wear a frown
I must continue to persevere
and overcome this fear
and this sad feeling that's embedded in my mind
that have me crying all the time
Cause if I allow her wrongs to overtake me
I'll fall victim to her (I guess) envy
and end up treating my future child like she does me
Verbally, physically, mentally, and emotionally....Unhealthy
So to all of you who took the time to read the feelings of another
Note *This was a little girl who grew up and no longer feels the love of
her Mother, 
Therefore, these thoughts that won't subside
are The Feelings She Hides Inside.

If you grew up NOT having a close relationship with your parents and thought (to yourself) you would have a child to fill that void or cover up that pain; then this poem may be a reflection to some feelings your child is hiding inside.

Huh? I don't get it. Allow me to explain.

Everybody need somebody...

When growing up in an uncomfortable, unloving, or even unstable home, one tends to look for love in all the wrong places. Therefore, many children are born to young mothers; some of which are very ignorant to a lot of the requirements of life; requirements that one can only acquire by living life a little longer than 18 years.

Some are lead by the many misconceptions of life with one being, 'If I have a child of my own, then I will have someone who will love me unconditionally and forever.' No apologies for being the bearer of facts, but one must know, babies don't stay babies forever & not all babies grow up to like, care for, or even love their parents...especially their mother!

Express Yourself!!!

Now with that being said, we forget that babies are little people who grow up and now require even more attention and more parenting that is expected to take them through life. But when a mother (who only had a child to fill her own void) realizes this child has now grown up and can now express him/her own thoughts, then (most) parents tend to back away from their duties; leaving the child to fend for him/herself; leaving the child to depend on receiving unanswered curiosities from the streets.  Which can cause that 'generational curse' to show its ugly face again or worst....causing this child's Self Factors = Self Esteem, Self Respect, Self Worth to diminish.  

It's not what you say - But how you say it and how you demonstrate it

So to always stay abreast of what your child is doing, you must always keep that line of communication open. That doesn't mean stop being a parent to become your child's friend; it simply means building that bond with your child from yea high, so when they become yea high-er, that level of trust will be established, causing them to feel comfortable enough to talk to you about Any and Everything, while maintaining that level of respect for you (as you do them) at the same time. 

Hardwork & Dedication - Mayweather

Putting forth the effort it takes to build that healthy relationship between you and yours is not only worth it, but priceless. The Feelings She Hides Inside - will be expressed to you with pride.....Trust! 

Luvinmesuhme more than I expect to be loved by anyONE
ME3 Motivate Encourage Empower Embrace


  1. Hi Bridget, welcome to our blog exchange.

    I love your post. It is very well written and offers so much in a manner that is easily accepted and understood.

    You have touched on a subject that needed more attention. Babies having babies for all the wrong reasons and the negative outcomes that follow, the cycle of ignorance and the inability to nurture because it is not what they were taught. We can only give what lives is us!

    Breaking this cycle SHOULD be at the top of our list as teachers, coaches, and concerned human beings whenever and where we encounter it. However, those who are practicing it and have been victims of it most often don't recognize this behavior in them or as them. Unfortunately, what you can't see you can't acknowledge and you can't fix it ...

    Perhaps if we say it loud enough and long enough this message will be heard and acted upon. All the best.

    Live Your light


    1. Please pardon the delay in my response Lyndah - I truly appreciate you taking the time to visit and comment on my blog. What you stated couldn't be emphasized any clearer, 'Breaking this cycle SHOULD be at the top of our list as teachers, coaches, and concerned human beings whenever and where we encounter it' how true this is. We must do our part to provide knowledge & understanding to our upcoming generations. Too many are being hurt behind this; too many are being mislead and equally as sad...too many are remaining SILENT! Too many are trying to find their way, but don't know which direction to look and won't ask, for that fear of being judged.
      That's why it IS imperative that we continue to do our part as that Village in helping our young adults find their way, because I still believe, 'The Children Are Our Future' and having an Open Line of Communication with someone they can trust is something they need & I am willing to provide. Judgement Free!

      Thank you again Lyndah - Your kind words are very much appreciated.

      ME3 Motivate Encourage Empower Embrace

      Bridget 'Luvinmesuhme' Cooks

  2. Hi Bridget,

    Thank you for the beautiful poem of the little girl. It made me sad and smile at the same time.

    The girl has hurt yet she persevered greatly with such tenacity.

    As a parent I understand the trials of parenting and as a woman who was once a child I understand that part as well. It is hard to marry the two together at times - trying to remember what it was like and the best way to handle situations.

    I think you are right with keep the lines of communication open always and love them greatly with your presence.


    Dawn Weaver

    1. Hi Dawn,

      You caught that, huh? Perseverance, Tenacity, and Determination if I might add. She did not give up in spite her circumstance.
      And you are so right, it is a challenge (sometimes) trying to figure out the best approach in handling a situation. But I think that's because of the New day & age we're in. This 'microwavable' time, if you will. Everyone is looking for a quick remedy...a quick response to situations that require a little bit more attention than most are ready to give. You know what I mean?
      But because everything begins in the home, having an open line of communication with your son/daughter, as well as the foundation of Trust, is very important and needed.

      Thank you for your comment Dawn and please continue to visit.

      ME3 Motivate Encourage Empower Embrace


      Bridget 'Luvinmesuhme' Cooks
