Monday 27 January 2014

Strive for your Greatness that lies beyond the Skies

It doesn't matter who you are; where you’re from; what type of car you drive; where you grew up; how old you are or how much money you make. There’s ALWAYS room for improvement. You were created to be more than a Conqueror.

We are more than conquerors through him who loved us - Romans 8:37

So you’re the Founder/Creator of a major Corporation, yayyy! But does the buck stop there? I think not; I believe, because your brain is still functioning there is still more work to be done; you have more dreams to fulfill.

Wait! You’re not the Founder/Creator of a major Corporation? You are a student? Ohhh you’re a single parent? My apologies, you’re incarcerated? Homeless? On welfare? Prostituting? Does that mean you are not great? Does that mean you have no greatness within? Or does that mean, you are not even entitled to strive for any type of greatness?

Imagination is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstein

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Michelle Obama, all had something in common. An IMAGINATION! And guess what, they all started right where you are, they just did something most are afraid to do and that's...DO. They decided to MOVE & MAKE IT HAPPEN. I mean to have a dream is beautiful, but at some point in time, you are going to have to wake up and get to work to bring your dream to fruition. 

Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it - Habakkuk 2:2

So now that you have the vision, write it down and begin concentrating on the direction you need to travel in order to bring your dream full circle. This will require doing research, reaching out to people, and stepping completely out of your comfort zone. This will require you doing pulling out the best of you, so you may shine like the STAR you are. 

You are different; you are unique; you are special; YOU MATTER! Therefore, what you have and what you bring to the forefront will be Genuine because it came from you. No more excuses; no more I can't. Now we're Making it Happen by Doing.

Cortlan Wickliff is one of the youngest African Americans to graduate from Harvard Law School - Age 22

So go ahead and chase after your dreams…create that special something you've been contemplating…Open up that unique business… Show us your creative side...Go for what you believe in because if you don't believe in you, then there's no need in me doing so. 

Therefore, Strive for your Greatness that lies beyond the Skies.

Luvinmesuhme more than I expect to be loved by anyONE
ME3 Motivate Encourage Empower Embrace


  1. I like your message of hope here Bridget! Everyone is capable to achieving their dreams, they just have to believe that it is possible, regardless of their current circumstances!

    Ang :-)

    1. EXACTLY!

      Thank you for taking the time to read my blog Ang, you are much appreciated.
