Tuesday 10 June 2014

Life Journey

This is your Journey *Live Love Listen & Learn* along your way

Live – Like it’s your last day on earth, seriously! Life happens: Good, bad, happy, sad, joy, pain, so on and so forth. As long as you are breathing you can expect one of the aforementioned to occur. And for the ones that are not that enjoyable appreciate them the most. Why? Because that’s where your strength develops and your testimony begins.

Our truest life is when we are in dreams wide awake - Henry David Thoreau
Love – There goes that Emotion again. But this love is speaking specifically on appreciating who you are, where you are, where you’ve been, where you’re going and those you’ve encountered along the way.  Don’t allow the obstacles of life and people to prevent you from achieving. Love Yourself More Than You Expect To Be Loved By Someone Else by giving yourself all that you rightfully deserve. You deserve to have Strength, Courage, Tenacity, Intellect, and Prosperity. You want to display Inner and Outer Beauty and demonstrate your quest to be above average. Why not? It is virtually impossible to please everyone, but it should be required of yourself (by yourself) to have a pleasing appeal that rest upon you and causes you to be the best you you know how to be, and that stimulates from Love.  

Sometimes you have to encourage yourself - Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers

Listen – This is very important. You want to always listen to what one is saying, as well as, what one is NOT saying. This one (believe it or not) can be a bit tricky. Think about it, have you ever been in a conversation with someone and as they were speaking you heard them, but you weren't really listening to them, because you were ready to include your input in the conversation? Don't be shame, we all fall victim to this...some more than others....self included. Sometimes the most important lessons in life are not spoken. That’s where your keen set of spiritual ears, eyes, and discernment comes into play. Hearing is one thing, but Listening is a whole other story.

Silence speaks volume - Are you Listening?

Learn –  How do you do that, you ask? Look, Look, Look!!! Look around and get to know your surrounding. Travel and become familiar with other places, regions, cultures, people. Ask, Ask, Ask!!! Ask questions until you fully understand. Remember, the only dumb question is an unasked question. Seriously! Read, Read, Read!!! This is where you acquire knowledge. Plus, reading is fundamental. No one can ever take from you what you learn. Therefore, get out there and learn as much as you can, because remember – This is your Journey, Live Love Listen & Learn, along your way

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you - Matthew 7:7 New American Standard Bible

More than I expect to be loved by anyONE
ME3 Motivate Encourage Empower Embrace

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