Monday 27 January 2014

Strive for your Greatness that lies beyond the Skies

It doesn't matter who you are; where you’re from; what type of car you drive; where you grew up; how old you are or how much money you make. There’s ALWAYS room for improvement. You were created to be more than a Conqueror.

We are more than conquerors through him who loved us - Romans 8:37

So you’re the Founder/Creator of a major Corporation, yayyy! But does the buck stop there? I think not; I believe, because your brain is still functioning there is still more work to be done; you have more dreams to fulfill.

Wait! You’re not the Founder/Creator of a major Corporation? You are a student? Ohhh you’re a single parent? My apologies, you’re incarcerated? Homeless? On welfare? Prostituting? Does that mean you are not great? Does that mean you have no greatness within? Or does that mean, you are not even entitled to strive for any type of greatness?

Imagination is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstein

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Michelle Obama, all had something in common. An IMAGINATION! And guess what, they all started right where you are, they just did something most are afraid to do and that's...DO. They decided to MOVE & MAKE IT HAPPEN. I mean to have a dream is beautiful, but at some point in time, you are going to have to wake up and get to work to bring your dream to fruition. 

Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it - Habakkuk 2:2

So now that you have the vision, write it down and begin concentrating on the direction you need to travel in order to bring your dream full circle. This will require doing research, reaching out to people, and stepping completely out of your comfort zone. This will require you doing pulling out the best of you, so you may shine like the STAR you are. 

You are different; you are unique; you are special; YOU MATTER! Therefore, what you have and what you bring to the forefront will be Genuine because it came from you. No more excuses; no more I can't. Now we're Making it Happen by Doing.

Cortlan Wickliff is one of the youngest African Americans to graduate from Harvard Law School - Age 22

So go ahead and chase after your dreams…create that special something you've been contemplating…Open up that unique business… Show us your creative side...Go for what you believe in because if you don't believe in you, then there's no need in me doing so. 

Therefore, Strive for your Greatness that lies beyond the Skies.

Luvinmesuhme more than I expect to be loved by anyONE
ME3 Motivate Encourage Empower Embrace

Monday 20 January 2014

The Feelings She Hides Inside

She loves me...She loves me, why not?
I am the little girl she birthed
So why treat me like I'm not worth
the time of day
when I should be your array
of sunlight and sunshine
But instead she say
I wish she wasn't mines
How hurt do you think that makes me feel?
Like a piece of dirt on the bottom of her heel
But I can not allow that to slow me down
although it hurts and I sometimes wear a frown
I must continue to persevere
and overcome this fear
and this sad feeling that's embedded in my mind
that have me crying all the time
Cause if I allow her wrongs to overtake me
I'll fall victim to her (I guess) envy
and end up treating my future child like she does me
Verbally, physically, mentally, and emotionally....Unhealthy
So to all of you who took the time to read the feelings of another
Note *This was a little girl who grew up and no longer feels the love of
her Mother, 
Therefore, these thoughts that won't subside
are The Feelings She Hides Inside.

If you grew up NOT having a close relationship with your parents and thought (to yourself) you would have a child to fill that void or cover up that pain; then this poem may be a reflection to some feelings your child is hiding inside.

Huh? I don't get it. Allow me to explain.

Everybody need somebody...

When growing up in an uncomfortable, unloving, or even unstable home, one tends to look for love in all the wrong places. Therefore, many children are born to young mothers; some of which are very ignorant to a lot of the requirements of life; requirements that one can only acquire by living life a little longer than 18 years.

Some are lead by the many misconceptions of life with one being, 'If I have a child of my own, then I will have someone who will love me unconditionally and forever.' No apologies for being the bearer of facts, but one must know, babies don't stay babies forever & not all babies grow up to like, care for, or even love their parents...especially their mother!

Express Yourself!!!

Now with that being said, we forget that babies are little people who grow up and now require even more attention and more parenting that is expected to take them through life. But when a mother (who only had a child to fill her own void) realizes this child has now grown up and can now express him/her own thoughts, then (most) parents tend to back away from their duties; leaving the child to fend for him/herself; leaving the child to depend on receiving unanswered curiosities from the streets.  Which can cause that 'generational curse' to show its ugly face again or worst....causing this child's Self Factors = Self Esteem, Self Respect, Self Worth to diminish.  

It's not what you say - But how you say it and how you demonstrate it

So to always stay abreast of what your child is doing, you must always keep that line of communication open. That doesn't mean stop being a parent to become your child's friend; it simply means building that bond with your child from yea high, so when they become yea high-er, that level of trust will be established, causing them to feel comfortable enough to talk to you about Any and Everything, while maintaining that level of respect for you (as you do them) at the same time. 

Hardwork & Dedication - Mayweather

Putting forth the effort it takes to build that healthy relationship between you and yours is not only worth it, but priceless. The Feelings She Hides Inside - will be expressed to you with pride.....Trust! 

Luvinmesuhme more than I expect to be loved by anyONE
ME3 Motivate Encourage Empower Embrace

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Love Don't Hurt

Roses are red, violets I see. 
Although it may sound crazy, 
I love you because you hurt me. 

Now that I have your attention, let's talk; let's begin with what Love truly is: 

1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.

While on Facebook the other day, I came across a post of a young man stating how some females prefer bad guys over good guys. I proceeded to reading the comments and was in awe to read what a young lady had written. She stated she did NOT want a good guy because, 'Good guys are too protective. They wanna be all up under you and try to keep up with your every move. Whereas being with a n***a, it's more exciting. Even though they may trip from time-to-time (putting their hands on you) at least it's fun being with them.' 

Did I mention she is 20 years of age? Yeah...scary huh? 

But guess what? She's not the first young lady to feel this way and she will not be the last. There are so many young ladies with this same frame of mind. Some of them tend to think if the guy doesn't disrespect them, mistreat them, or put his hands on them, then he doesn't love them. Some believe if there is no drama in the relationship (baby mama, side chick, homeboys, hustle) then there is no point in being in the relationship. Equally as sad, some are self-proclaimed 'Real B*tches' who will only go out with 'Real N***as' because good guys are...boring. 

Now on the flip side of this, because of the 'looseness' (if you will) of our young ladies, *at least that's how they are portrayed in videos, some reality shows, oh and even in real life!* many of our young men shun away from those who are not willing to give up their precious jewels, lower their standards/morale, deprive themselves of higher education, oh and date someone with their pants hanging off their butts. Good girls are too...boring.  

What is really going on? Many like to say, it's our society - there are no more gentlemen in the world. Some say, these young girls are just too much. I say what the Bible says, because everything begins with proper parenting. 

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

I know trying to raise adolescents in today's society is very difficult, but NOT impossible. Parents take your rightful place and do your part. Do not allow your child to be raised by television, YouTube, social media, Law Enforcement. Stop with the lame excuses of having to work, I have no help, people just don't understand, and all other self pities. 

Monkey see, monkey do.
Remember you are the parent and your child is going to mimic you.

Teach your children how important it is to love themselves and this will help with building up SELF = Self Esteem, Self Respect, Self Worth. All of which begins at home from the very first person in their lives...whether it be their mother, father, aunt, uncle, sibling, grandparents, etc. Begin demonstrating the "Self" factors as early as 2 years of age. Then as they progress the lessons they've learned along the way will follow.  

As parents we just can't give up...we shouldn't. Don't sit back and ridicule your child for the mistakes they are going to make along the way, help them and do it 'Judgement Free.' I mean, nothing damages Self Esteem more than being put down or called names by the one a child loves most. Not to mention, we all have areas in which we can use some improvement, so let's not make ourselves feel good by putting someone else down...especially our child. Instead, let's be the resources for uplifting and encouraging our young adults to do better. 

Love Strengthens as Lust weakens

Having a good rapport with your child will allow you to say, 'Son pull up your pants, you are so much better than that.' It will allow you to say, 'Baby girl you don't have to expose yourself to get his/her attention. Your intellect and beauty speaks for itself.

In other words, communication is key. And teaching ours to 'Love yourSelf more than you expect to be loved by someOne else' will eliminate a lot of the disrespect our young people possess towards one another. It will eliminate a lot of the disrespect our young people possess towards their elders. Manifestation of a better attitude on the outlook of life will begin to exude from them. 

Young ladies will no longer want to be known as a self proclaimed 'Real B*tch' only looking to date a 'Real N***a' and vice verse.  

Self-preservation is the first law of nature

'Love yourSELF more than you expect to be loved by someone else' is the first step in being able to Love someONE the way they deserve to be loved and you receiving it back in return. Love yourSELF more than you expect to be loved by someone else is not cockiness, but confidence. No one should be given a Powerful and Everlasting Emotion prior to you giving it to you first.  

Love Don't Hurt

Luvinmesuhme more than I expect to be loved by anyONE
ME3 Motivate Encourage Empower Embrace