Thursday 27 March 2014

Time To Step Into REALITY - by DaNySha Hudson

“Three things you cannot recover in life: the WORD after it’s said, the MOMENT after it’s missed and the TIME after it’s gone. Be Careful!” – Unknown

There has been many times, as a teenager, scenarios have come to mind of being a leader and following a dream that you have created before even making it to Junior High School. But the question is, were you determined enough to stay on track.....mentally? Hmmm, most of the time there's this change that comes about from meeting new people. Saying that to say, there's all types of avenues for teens to venture as they step into a new realm of life, friends, crews, cliques, etc. Stepping into a whole new ball game as in *friends* could effect the way a person act, view things, interact, and react to things. It is my opinion, high school is where Reality begins, Life changes, Decisions become enormous (to some) causing ConfusionUnsureness, as well as, luring (some) to points of No Return

Have you ever heard the saying, "High School is fun!" Which can be (is) true and false. High school is what you make of it. New people walk into your life, many doors of success opens up (according to how you chose to utilize your time) as well as many doors of trouble, and it all depends on which routes you chose to take.

Meeting new people and developing new friends has its pros and cons. Meaning, being able to stay on track, receive positive help and advise (from someone you hope to trust) and not have drama (problems) coming from every angle is a healthy friendship we can consider a 'pro.' But hanging with the wrong crowds and getting involved in negative things you aren't used to, causing you to step down from your priorities are definitely 'cons.'  Cons reduces ones good intentions. Therefore dare to be DIFFERENT

There is going to come a time in your life that is going to cause you to step back and take a serious look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself the question(s), 'Who am I? Who/what do I want to become?' You are going to have to figure out how to succeed and accomplish your goals successfully. 
We are not always happy with ourselves, we sometimes perceive better in other people. Forgetting there's only one you and because you are a unique individual, why not make the BEST of you?

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”Norman Vincent Peale  

The reason decisions become enormous in High School is because immediately following it is the 'Real World.' In college you are basically on your own and if you get a high school diploma and decide NOT to attend college then you will see that all you obtained was a title of being a 'graduate' and very minimal career opportunities for elevating successfully thereafter. I mean honestly, by your junior year in high school, one should have developed a stronger sense of independence and maturity, making the transition into college, later, less challenging. 

Actually wanting to accomplish a dream, no matter how long the journey may be or how challenging it may seem, should be ones primary focus. I say that because we don't always take into account the necessary steps and the amount of time it may take to achieve our goals; more years of school, not producing any income, or not producing the amount of income you had anticipated, etc. These are all 'Real Life Matters' but if you are determined mentally to stay on the right path, in spite of...then you will find yourself traveling down a bumpy road that will smooth-en as you continue to travel. 

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” – Jack Welch

Having a dream and being a positive leader, are two key components that could take you as far as the eagle eye can see. These are the reasons I believe individuality, independence, leadership, and imagination are key elements that could take you far in life as long as you apply it. High school doesn't last forever, at some point you must move forward. 

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs

Time To Step Into REALITY

Ms. DaNySha Hudson - 9th Grade
David Douglas High School